Digital painting revisions

For the first part of the what if? metropolis assignment, we were asked to do some revisions to our digital paintings based on the feedback our tutors gave us. I decided to focus on my exterior shots for revision as I felt I couldn't improve my interior shot with my current skillset. 

The revision I made to my low angle exterior shot is quite simple, but I feel it made a lot of difference to the image. The critique I got was to add more depth by adding some blue to the areas that are farther away, which in this image are Ersilia in the distance and the farthest bit of grass and path. I feel like this has made the image much more atmospheric and added distance to it.

I made a couple of revisions to the exterior establishing shot, which were adding some blue into the farthest areas and to lower the contrast, which adds more depth to the image. Again, I feel like the small changes I have made to the image have made a vast difference to the quality.


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