Script to Screen reflective statement


The script to screen project has been one of the most interesting projects so far for me. I really enjoyed having to come up with my own storyline based on the three random aspects we were given (Environment, Character, and prop) although I had to go through some edits along the way to make the story more interesting. It was an amazing learning experience having to create our own full script from scratch.

I also quite enjoyed doing all the concept and production art as well, because I was able to experiment with my art style a little bit more and really get into the details of this world I had created.

I think the animatic was both the most fun and the most challenging aspect of this project. I think I got a little too invested in the animatic storyboard, which then meant that both the final animatic and the other aspects of this project suffered as I had spent too much time on the storyboards. I would have liked to neaten up the storyboards and bring in some aspect of light, had I had enough time.

The pre-vis was an interesting learning experience, as it is the first real chance I’ve had to animate with Maya. While I was happy with what I did, I wished I had devoted more time to it to get it perfect.

Overall, I found this project quite the challenging learning experience, but enjoyable. I got better at using photoshop and drawing people, along with getting used to how animation works in Maya. The biggest area I still need to improve on is my time management skills. I had devoted enough time to the project, but I had laser-focused on a single area of the project (the animatic storyboards) which meant I neglected other areas of the project, so I hope to improve on that in the next assignment.


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