Fantastic Voyage reflective statement

Fantastic voyage has probably been the hardest project of the entire year for me, due to the workload and events outside of university that I had no control over. Had these events not happened, I think I may have been able to finish the project on time. Despite that, I learnt quite a lot with this project, especially how to create a fully fledged concept based on a brief that a client gives us. 

I think my biggest achievement of this project was learning how to draw dogs and wolves decently for it, as I had very little experience drawing canines prior, but by the end of it I was able to draw them in a way that looked good. I think my downfall with the project was that I was just too ambitious with what I expected to achieve within the given timeframe. I probably could have still done the subject of natural vs. artificial selection, but in a way that was much more achievable in the timeframe and with my current skillset.

In the future, I will look at what I can achieve for the project more realistically with both the time given and my current skill level with animation.


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