Updated final premise idea: Draconic village

 After talking with both Simon and Justin about my Dragon idea, I realised that trying to incorporate high levels of intelligence and sentience in a dragon-like creature who lives alongside humans would be very difficult, and would take me away from the core of what I want to achieve with my project, which is character/creature and environment design. As such, I have decided to scrap the sentient element, and instead focus on a 'dragon village', where a sentient, humanoid species (I haven't decided if the sentient species is going to be human or not yet) and a dragon-like creature (Will be a mix of Reptile, Bird and flying Mammal Features) that have evolved alongside each other, forming a symbiotic relationship to survive. This is the first piece of concept art I drew for this idea: 

My thoughts about this are that these two species live in a very extreme environment, with vast jungles stretching over cliffs carved out by rushing rivers. The main place that has inspired this place is the Plitvice lakes in Croatia, which is famous for it's basins and valleys with tons of waterfalls. I'm thinking that the People of this village built in the basins to protect the people and the Dragons from creatures that live in the jungles, and that there's an abundance of fish in the rivers and lakes. 

As for the Dragons, I'm thinking that there are several different typesof the dragon that have been specially bred to do certain tasks, like fishing dragons, fancier looking dragons for richer members of the village that aren't as suited for flying, a common dragon for everyday use, larger dragons for carrying heavy loads etc. They will all be based off the same general sihlouette, but will be different in terms of build, size, body patterns etc. Here are some basic concept sketches for what I had in mind in terms of body shape for the dragons:


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