Toolkit 2: Blog links and final reflective statement
Toolkit 2 Statement Overall, I have found the toolkit 2 Unit very challenging, although rewarding. I feel like I have come far in all areas of the unit, but I still have a long way to go in my skills and I didn't complete the unit to the standard I would have liked. Jet pack Jones- Jet pack jones was the most challenging aspect of this unit, but I thouroughly enjoyed parts of it, specifically the modelling. My biggest issue with JPJ was that I didn't prioritise it enough, in comporasion to other units, and that meant that I had a large amount of it left to do and not enough time to do it in. This also meant that I didn't give myself enough time for technical issues, such as the pose deformers breaking. I didn't get enough of him done before the deadline for my standards, but I will attempt to finish him over the summer so I'm fully prepared for next year. Life drawing- I think I have improved the most with Life drawing. I've gotten much better at anatomy and fa...