Fleshed out minor project idea

Although I wanted a project primarily based on character / creature design, I wanted the project to cover a little bit of everything so I could use it in a portfolio for a range of jobs in the future, so I decided to do an animated short.

 After a lot of thinking, I came up with the idea of an animated short that would be like a pilot episode or the beginnings of a big storyline, revolving around a werewolf character who has just transformed (Possibly from being chased and bitten by another werewolf, or chased into a magic lake under a full moon, which transforms her). She either seeks out or is found by a nature witch, who offers to help her find a cure and transform back into a human. The animated short would focus on them meeting.

The main focus of the project is the character/creature design of the witch and the werewolf, and a little bit of environment, with a little bit of story.


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