Minor: Starting a new project

 Over summer, I realised that I probably wouldn't be able to take my premise project any further, so I decided that it would be best to start a new project for minor.

 I started out by thinking about the main elements I wanted my project to cover, which was Character / Creature design. I wanted to do a project that would strech my skills, and decided to look into one of my biggest inspirations for a project idea, which is folklore/mythological creatures. From this, I decided that I wanted to do a project involving Werewolves, specifically designing my own Werewolf. In the beginning I didn't have a full idea for the project, so I started out by exploring Werewolves by drawing them.

after this first attempt, I decided that I wanted something more unique from the typical large, muscular Werewolf, and that I needed a better understanding of canine anatomy, so I did some studies of different canine breeds of varying shapes and sizes:

From there, I focused on exploring the look of the werewolf by drawing them, and trying to flesh out the project more.


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