Storyline revision

 Based on what I didn't like about my first attempt at the storyline and discussions with my tutors, I tried writing the storyline from the main POV of the witch. I also decided that it would make the story more interesting if the werewolf is mute, as it would add to the werewolves desperation to transform back, while also making things easier for myself later down the line when it comes to things like lip syncing. I also think the witch and the werewolf work better if the werewolf can't speak.

 Storyline revision

- Start with a fade in to the Witch walking through the woods (maybe show her crossing a road to establish the modern setting) to collect potion ingredients.

-She finds some mushrooms. As she bends down to collect them, the bushes in front of her begin rustling and a large shadow rises from them. 

-Witch uses wand to shine a light towards the shadow, revealing the werewolf.

-The werewolf reacts to the witch in a scared manner, tries to run away from the witch but stumbles.

-Werewolf starts trying to get up, witch comes over and stops her, reassuring her that she's not going to hurt her, and apologises for startling her.

-Werewolf gives witch a suspicious look, but stops trying to get away

-Witch explains that she specialises in curses and curing them, and that she might be able to help. She also explains that they need to get somewhere more secluded, away from where normal people could see the werewolf. 

-Witch suggests they go back to her house, where they can try to help the werewolf transform back or at least get a better understanding of what kind of curse they are dealing with. The werewolf agrees, realising they don't really have any other options.

-Witch and werewolf walk to witches house, a small cottage in the forest that at first glance, looks like a regular forester/ranger's cottage.

-They go around to the back to the kitchen, which has a big old fashioned hearth.

-The witch and werewolf enter, as they are doing so the werewolf accidentally knocks something over, which the witch catches. She suggests the werewolf sit down.

-The witch then sets up the cauldron in the hearth and lights it.

-She then starts asking the werewolf simple questions to narrow down the curses it could be.

-The witch determines through her questioning that it is a local curse, so she gets out her tome on local curses.

-They then try out different curse cures, none of which work (some having strange side effects maybe).

-After trying the different cures, the witch collapses in a chair. She then starts flicking through the tome again, perplexed.

-She then opens to a page on the nearby lake and it's curse, realising that is probably how the werewolf ended up cursed.

-She starts explaining to the werewolf about the curse of the lake, that it's ancient and no one knows the full cure.

-Werewolf starts to freak out. The witch attempts to calm her down, giving her a pep talk saying that they can start looking into a full cure, but in the meantime they can go gather ingredients for a remedy that will make the transformations like a normal werewolf.

-The werewolf takes a moment to think before agreeing.

-Final shot.


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