Major: setting up rendering

 Finally, it was time to render. Knowing I had just over a week to render (On thursday, 11th May) I had to figure out the best way to render the project that was both time efficient and looked good. First, I did a render test with a sampling rate of 4/3/2/2/0/0, which looked good but took about 45 min to render a single frame, which was too long for what I wanted, especially as sequence rendering takes longer per frame. So, I lowered the sample rates to 3/2/2/2/0/0, and applied a image de noiser in the render settings. This took about 20 min,and still looks good. As the lower sample rate was more effecient, I set up the rendering with those settings over thursday and friday to render over the weekend.

Higher Sample rate

Lower sample rate with de noiser


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