
Showing posts from March, 2021

Script to Screen reflective statement

  The script to screen project has been one of the most interesting projects so far for me. I really enjoyed having to come up with my own storyline based on the three random aspects we were given (Environment, Character, and prop) although I had to go through some edits along the way to make the story more interesting. It was an amazing learning experience having to create our own full script from scratch. I also quite enjoyed doing all the concept and production art as well, because I was able to experiment with my art style a little bit more and really get into the details of this world I had created. I think the animatic was both the most fun and the most challenging aspect of this project. I think I got a little too invested in the animatic storyboard, which then meant that both the final animatic and the other aspects of this project suffered as I had spent too much time on the storyboards. I would have liked to neaten up the storyboards and bring in some aspect of li...

Like for like storyboard: Thor, Ragnarok

    Here is the 'like for like' Storyboard. I decided to do a segment from Thor: Ragnarok ( because it's one of my favourite films and I wanted to have a go at drawing males. However, I didn't have a lot of time to do it because I prioritised other aspects of the project over this. Had I had more time, I'd have liked to go into more detail and do a little bit more of the scene.

Art of Seed Shed


Script to Screen Pre-Vis

  Here is the final Pre-Vis for Script to Screen. Although I wasn't able to complete the whole thing, I'm still quite happy with how it came out in the end. Had I not got so wrapped up in the animatic, I'd have liked to tidy up the pre-vis and try to complete the whole thing.

Script to screen animatic

  Here is my final animatic. I'm really pleased with the final result, although had I managed my time a bit better I'd have liked to tidy up the shots and add sound.

Final storyboards

 Here are the storyboards that I used in my animatic, created over the last week. I found the task of drawing the storyboards both a struggle, but also quite fun. However I feel that I got too wrapped up in the storyboards, which meant I had less time to devote to other aspects of the project, such as the pre-vis. I think I could have done much less shots and still gotten a good effect.

Final statement (Soundscapes)

  This project has been both very informative and very challenging for me. I have learnt so much about sound recording and editing as I had practically no experience with it before this project, but I also struggled with many stages of the project itself. When it came to the images I was given, it took quite a decent amount of brainstorming to try and visualize what the images might sound like, and even more to then decide which sounds would be used to create the soundscape for each of them. I think this is something that will get better with practice, but I feel I have always struggled with tasks like this. When it came to recording, I was quite lucky in the sense that I had access to a lot of stranger sounds in my house than the average person would have. I was also able to get quite pure sound recordings, although my phone is not the best at capturing sound. However, the recordings I was able to get fit their purpose very well. At first, I found Adobe Audition very confu...